$170 per month for weekly 30 minute lessons
$180 per month for weekly 30 minute lessons with Senior Instructors
$190 per month for weekly 30 minute lessons with Coulter Brown (Lead Instructor)
$205 per month for weekly 30 minute lessons with Keeton Coffman (Owner)
$50 per half hour
$55 per half hour with or Coulter Brown (Senior Instructors)
$60 per half hour with Keeton Coffman (Owner)
Students can join as many bands as they want. We encourage to start with one band to help them get used to it, but once they feel comfortable and eager, join as many bands as you’d like for the same monthly price.
Each band has weekly 1 hour practices, and performances every three to four months.
$170 per month
Once you have join a band ($170 per month), you have FULL ACCESS to the studio during our hours of operation. Rehearse, record, practice and use the facility! Not in a band? No problem the $170 rate allows you to use Rehearsal Room Music School as your personal musical playground. Join bands, learn the recording gear and track your music. Bring your band in to prepare. Use our venue room for a concert. Our front desk staff will help you find what you need on the schedule.
PAYMENT POLICY: Tuition is paid by automatic payment on the first of each month and may be cancelled without penalty on or before the 20th of the student's final enrolled month. There is no long-term contract or enrollment fee.